Thursday, March 29, 2012

Simply practice yoga.

"In stillness
true power requires no exertion,
no effort.
Simply practice yoga.
Then awareness will cease to waver,
untouched by the swirling winds of 
thought, worry, and desire."

-Patanjali's Yoga Sutras part III-10

 I have been thinking about this passage from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras for almost a week now. I am totally captured by the clarity of the message here and the beautiful language urging me, "just keep coming to your mat and the awareness will come! Just show up! It's simple!" Practice yoga--the union of mind and body through meditation--and your attention will become focused and your thinking more clear. Practice yoga--do asanas--and you will find power and ease, strength and calm in each pose. I believe I have found a new mantra now, "Simply practice yoga." Or as Sri K Patthabhi Jois put it, "Do your practice and all is coming."

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Live on PURPOSE!

Wisdom from the lobby of Oprah's Lifeclass Tour
Q: What do YOGA and OPRAH have in common?
A: More than I knew!

When I arrived at the newly renovated Peabody Opera House with my girlfriends yesterday, I had little idea how profound my day was about to be. We came to see the taping of Oprah's new Lifeclass the Tour in St. Louis. The tickets were free and when invited, of course I said yes enthusiastically and immediately--as I have recently become inclined to embrace opportunities every chance I get and who doesn't want to spend all day with your best friends and OPRAH? That's a no-brainer! So, I didn't think much about why I happened to end up in the audience that was a random and lovely surprise...right? Some of the first words out of Oprah's mouth were these: "You are NOT here on accident. Each and every one of you are supposed to be here today." Boy, she was right! The message of the show was to live your life on purpose and with purpose, instead of merely floating life without awareness of why you are here.
"Use your passion as an indicator for your purpose," said Bishop T. D. Jakes, the guest speaker and influential leader and global humanitarian--Senior pastor of The Potter's House. This force of a man has been named "America's Best Preacher" by Time Magazine and is a wealth of inspiration and knowledge. The main message of his talk today was to find your purpose and live for that purpose. For those who have experienced struggle or strife, Jakes says to allow that experience to propel you toward your purpose.

The similarity between what I have been learning through Yoga and the lessons from Oprah's lifeclass tour was uncanny! The idea that you were put here on this earth for a specific purpose and that your work here is to evolve into the highest expression of yourself is the message of both my yoga teachings and Oprah's class. This is revolutionary and necessary thinking! Our modern Western world is consumed with racing to the top of the success ladder and doesn't often condone following your bliss. I am elated to see this wisdom being brought forth by leaders like Oprah and Bishop Jakes. Both are such influential leaders that I think they will be able to reach those who would not be drawn toward Yoga.
Oprah In St. Louis
This was an exciting experience, not only because it once again confirmed what I have learned and am still learning to embrace, but because it made me realize that we are not alone as seekers. there will soon be many more people looking for more in their lives, more people wanting to live their lives with purpose. The shift that is occurring in the minds of so many human beings is a natural response to our capitalistic society and the pressure to maintain a certain level of "success." We are moving from wanting a life full of material success and financial wealth to desiring one of personal fulfillment and purpose!

The times are indeed a-changin'! So support Oprah's OWN network if you can because I believe that she is truly sincere about bringing the world a new way of thinking about success. She is really attempting to change our world, one show at a time and bring to the masses a new way of living life. Bravo, Oprah, bravo!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bakasana...the trouble with crow pose.

I have been trying to master crow pose, AKA crane pose, for many years now without any luck. Although I have always been told that "it's all alignment" by every yogi I know that can do this pose, I have resisted this idea. My scrawny, weak upper body must be the culprit, I kept telling myself. When anyone would bring up that pose, I would cringe and exclaim "I can't do that one!" My bad attitude toward this poor asana was not helping me move any closer to getting up. The last time I tried to get into bakasana in a class I tipped to far forward and fell right on my head. It made a huge thud and the class below us came running upstairs to see what happened. Uh...just Cindy trying to do crow pose. I had almost given up on this asana until I came upon a video where the instructor was leading us through a challenging vinyasa and into a headstand. Boy, I thought to myself, I love inversions...this is my kind of yogi. Then she did the unthinkable...took us from a headstand into crow! She just gently rested those knees on the backs of her arms and voila...bakasana! After a few tries, I was able to balance, if only for a second or two, with my toes lifted off the ground and my forehead not hitting the floor in front of my face. Victory...well something like that, maybe more like..... Progress!!