Monday, May 21, 2012

5 Minutes of Fame...or 5 Minutes of Lame?

Tim Ezell from Fox 2 news was at our hot yoga studio today filming a segment for his fun man-about-town spot on the morning program. We had very little information about what was going to happen once the camera crew got to the studio. We knew that they were concerned about the intense heat and humidity effecting the equipment. I was subbing for another teacher by chance this morning and it was my responsibility to cool the studio down before and during my 9:30 class so that the cameras wouldn't melt during the 11:00 filming. Needless to say, my hot yoga students were not very hot at all today. One student even caught my eye at one point and he gave me a little "brrrrr...I'm freezing over here in this nice 70 degree breezy room" look and a small shiver. Still, I did spy a few students who still managed to work up a sweat.

Not so hot yoga

With all of the doors and windows wide open, the studio was full of pulling in and out of Wal-mart parking lot, staff moving about in the office outside the yoga room, and yes even that delicious breeze was a distraction. I had a difficult time staying focused on the sequence, which is very rare. I wondered if my students were having just as hard a time concentrating on their practice. I tried to remind them that this is a great lesson in yoga. I told them that we have to learn to let go of all distractions and focus the mind and to remember that this is how all classes in India are--noisy and distracting. This is the practice...the art of ignoring!

The crew arrived and we set up for a shortened version of our normal 90 minute hot yoga sequence, with the owner leading the group. Our talent, Tim, is a goofy personality that demonstrates activities in a lighthearted manner, bringing a fantastic sense of humor to everything that he does. I noticed that he was much more good looking in person and much less nerdy and wasn't too bad at yoga. 

Tim Ezell trying out another activity with a fun attitude.

I ended up right next to him and wound up being Bridget's demonstrator for most of the filming. This added a little pressure, not gonna lie. I thought, "Wow! I think if you want someone to work really hard at something just film them and threaten to air it on tv and they will work twice as hard as normal!" I did fall out of standing bow pose at least once and reminded myself to let go of my ego, but the rest went fairly well. It will be very interesting to see how the half hour of footage gets assembled for the 2 or 3 minute spot. I hope that it turns out well and the film of me falling doesn't make the cut....then again maybe another good lesson in yoga....accept your practice wherever you are!!

Just, please, if you happen to see it when it airs on tv, be gentle.....


  1. Can't wait to see the segment and I will be kind, nice, gentle and everything.

    I've seen other hot yoga news segments on YouTube. Guess they cooled the room down beforehand too...

    Sounds like there were a lot of teachable /learnable moments today.

  2. Thanks Drea! I knew you would be sweet to me...even if I fall.

    You know it was funny because we spent all of this time cooling it down and as soon as they got there we just turned the heat back up.

    So many moments! It seems like everything everywhere is a lesson these days. :) I suppose I have lots to learn.
