Thursday, May 10, 2012


I tried Bikram yoga for the first time this week! 

It was interesting.....and really really hot. I teach hot yoga, so I expected to do alright with the heat in the studio and wasn't very nervous upon arrival. When we got to the studio, I had to fill out all of the necessary papers and waivers ensuring my family wouldn't sue when I began convulsing on my mat about halfway through the class. Then my "yoga hostess" gave me a run-down of all of the rules: no talking, no leaving the room and no small hand towels for wiping away sweat. I was cool with these rules and understood the reasoning behind them because we employ the same type of environment where I work....very disciplined! 

I did well with the standing asanas, but once we hit the floor I had lots of trouble getting back up off of my back. I quickly found myself searching for all of the standard techniques that I normally use to engage my students when they are struggling. I was breathing in and out through my nose, utilizing my ujjayi breath, but my stomach would not stop lurching around. Spots lingered in front of my eyes as I tried to roll over. I was determined not to leave the room or throw up all over my neighbor either. I stayed on my back (like an over-turned turtle unable to right himself) and soon enough my "yoga hostess" popped by to check on me. She told me to release the constriction on my throat and let my breath come back to normal. The ujjayi breathing was actually building more heat in my body. As I let my breath come back to its natural rhythm my body began to settle down. I was even able to collect myself and peel my body off the mat for the final 3 or 4 poses. 

It was challenging and intense, but I did enjoy the experience. I was surprised by how philosophical the hostess was, delving into the Yoga Sutras during our resting times and relaying a story about how her dog passed away last weekend. This is not what I expected! I had heard that Bikram teachers are robotic and more like bootcamp instructors than spiritual guides. When she started referencing the movie "I Am" I almost raised my hand to ask if I was hallucinating or not? I liked the spiritual lesson (her dog was named "Spirit") and really did sympathize with her, but at the time I would have preferred a drill sergeant--this compassionate character conducting class was not motivating me to move from my mat any faster. I did shed a tear or two at the final savasana, from exhaustion or sympathy for Spirit's passing, I still can't say. One thing I do know for certain, I will be back, Bikram. 

Be ready.


  1. How many waivers are you up to now?

    It sounds like the Bikram studio is hotter than Hot Yoga???

    I wanted to try Bikram (my unused Groupon) while on vacation but didn't manage to get to the studio...

  2. I don't even want to know how many times I have signed my life away...I think if anything every does happen to me it is officially NOBODY's fault! :)

    Bikram is hotter, 105 or 110. It was a great challenge, but those folks are not messin' around!

  3. I want to join with you but i am handicapped..
